Welcome to our school website! Please take a few minutes to look around our site to find out more about our school. Welcome to Longue Sault Public School... home of the Wolves. LSPS is a rural elementary school of 220 students located in the village of Long Sault, 15 km west of Cornwall, in Eastern Ontario. Our school serves children from junior kindergarten to grade six, offering both French Immersion (50/50) and Core French (40 mins/day) programming.
The staff at Longue Sault Public School are committed to helping all of our students be the best that they can be... academically, physically, socially and emotionally. We share a belief that the purpose of education is to develop the whole student. At LSPS, that development occurs inside and outside of the classroom walls as evidenced by our strong relationships with our community partners and the many engaging extra-curricular opportunities afforded to all of our students in both primary and junior divisions.
Jen Carr, Principal